Anatomy of an Author Website

Anatomy of an Author Website

I wrote this as a reddit post recently, and thought it made good recycling material. You can find the original post here. I rebuilt my author website recently, and since I’ve received some compliments for it, I thought I’d share my process for other...
My First Cover Reveal

My First Cover Reveal

For a short story writer, a cover reveal is rare, and yet here I am at my first cover reveal! In April I will officially be a published author and, man, that sounds weird. When I won the contest, it was a strange and validating feeling. It was a sign that I...


For years blogspot was my website, blogger my platform. But something changed in my life recently to make me take my authorship more seriously, and it was time to finally migrate here, my own website. This is the first post on my new blog. I’ve decided to start...

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