The Chrysalis

The Chrysalis

The Chrysalis In the before-times, we had many luxuries we took for granted. There was the sense that you could meet a person (in person) without thinking about the bugs that might live inside them–until they gave us reason to worry. Or even if you did catch...
Begin Where You Are; Begin Again.

Begin Where You Are; Begin Again.

Begin Where You Are; Begin Again. I had high hopes for 2020! I just knew I was gonna start the year off right! From day one I was going to adopt those healthy habit’s I’d always struggled with, and I was gonna kill that novel manuscript dead by day eight!...
What I Write: A Dirt Spec Manifesto

What I Write: A Dirt Spec Manifesto

When you tell someone you’re a writer, nine times out of ten the first question out of their mouth is “What do you write?” Doesn’t matter if they’re a friend, family member, fellow writer, editor, or rando in line at the bakery; the...
2019 Awards Eligible Stories

2019 Awards Eligible Stories

Apparently it is not abnormal for an author to post the stories they’ve had published that are eligible for awards nominations! So, following the example of my friend and excellent writer Elise Stephens, I figured I might as well share the one I’ve...
On Feast, Famine, and Staying Hungry

On Feast, Famine, and Staying Hungry

November is an interesting month of abundance–the final harvest before the cold, bleak winter. We gain pounds, lose the leaves, and, of course, squeeze out a ton of words. That’s right, I’m talking about NaNoWriMo–or National Novel Writing...
Writers of the Future

Writers of the Future

I’ve tried to write this blog post I don’t know how many times in the weeks since the workshop, but it’s been really hard to organize my thoughts. I think this is because the Writers of the Future experience covered an extremely broad spectrum of...

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